Symbols or Special Characters that we can use in Blog post title?


As a blogger we create post daily with appropriate post title. Sometime we use some post title where we need to use some related keywords. Suppose a post title can be written like below-

‘’Basic SEO guidelines for Blogger, Wordpress, Zoomla and other free blogging platform’’

I have used (,) comma here to isolate related keywords. Because we are familiar with comma but apart from this what else we can use in isolate related keywords on blog post title. This is a confusing matter that which symbols we can use in blog post title. Which symbol Google Search engine likes and which one dislikes?

There are different wrong SEO floating over the net which has published many SEO agencies but blogger become confused about correct one.

Remember that every word in post title has significance to divert traffic from search engine. Which keywords best match with search query Search Engine bring those post title at the top of the SERPs (Search Engine Result pages). We have got many article about ‘’Content is King’’ rather your post title would be the king if you can create by proper optimization.

Which Special Characters we can use?

There are two sets of Special Characters we can use. First set Special Characters widely and frequently used and which is familiar.
  • Special Characters Set 1 :-  :   !  ?

Beside of this there are another set of Special Characters used by blogger but in rare cases. Don’t afraid Google won’t dislike if you use it on your blog post title. Currently (|) pipe line using immensely on writing blog title. Even I have used pipe line for writing my blog title in Meta tag.
  • Special Characters Set 2:.&  %  # |

Which Special Characters we should not use?

Matt Cutts from Google webmaster help suggests that Underscores should not use because underscoresalways used by programmers while writing algorithms. So if you use long Dash or Underscore then it wouldmisunderstood by search robots. As a result it will badly affect your SEO score. As a result your blog growth will be slower.
So Never use the long Dash or Underscore i.e. ------- or _

I hope this small effort would help your to use right Special Characters on blog post title. Practicing appropriate SEO you would able to make your blog friendly for both Search engine and users. We are committed to disclose correct SEO tactics for growing your blog rapidly. Cheers!!!
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